NME Video: Panic! at the Disco @ Reading Festival 2007

Apollo Pageant Video clip Ranking: 4 / 5

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  1. Ryan…you sexy son of a…


  3. they learned to dodge, hahah! spencer’s a ninja!

  4. Emma Williams

    This is my favourite Panic interview.

  5. just look at ryan after he says ” he actually leaned in to one” … it’s so sexy for no known reason xD And YES they all look super attractive here 😮 <3

  6. 1:13 awww… I love that part, when Ryan says “It’s okay…” When Brendon is turning back.

  7. DarkWingedBeautie

    Ryan, stop making me thirsty, i dont want to get up and go get a drink cause then that means i cant watch or listen to you and the rest of Panic!!!!!!

  8. DarkWingedBeautie

    aren’t they like, always SUPER attractive? or is that just me?

  9. especially ryan tbh

  10. hellomimibanana

    oh ryan, you just,
    just marry me

  11. Spencer needs to sTOP

  12. Awwwww! Ryan at the beginning :”’)

  13. LivinFortheCity

    Brendon fidgets, looks away frequently, and towards the end becomes fascinated with playing with the ground with his foot.
    So ADHD. So adorable.

  14. D: Ryan WHY int the world are you so attractive?!
    And why arent you mine?

  15. Katie2007Greek

    2:08 and afterwards, Ryan just won’t blink… XD Oh babies

  16. omg brendon laughs like i do sometimes hahaa

  17. RyansHarlequinGirl1

    theyre all SUPER attractive any way?

  18. Is it just me, or do they all look SUPER attractive all the fucking time because they’re all just generally good-looking people?

  19. Ryan’s cuteness I can’t.

    Omg I love them all. GETBACKTOGETHER.

  20. CheeseLovingChester

    Ryan’s bandana…


  21. brendan is so hott

  22. dude, spencer in this video = hot XD

  23. memyselfandi018

    Brendon and Ryan drive me pistachios! i don’t know which to look at and i have to keep rewinding to see what he or the other did! c:
    ryan’s laugh ugh
    ryan’s glance 0:06 ugh
    i’m jealous of the boy
    nono NOT jealous f#@%ing infatuated